How To Prepare For Tax Season 2019: It’s Easier Than You Might Think!

Right now is the time to take down Christmas decorations and to get back in the groove of things. Once the month of January comes to a close, employers all across the United States would’ve sent out the W-2s to their employees, thus heralding the upcoming tax season. Perhaps you haven’t thought about tax season at all this year (and we don’t blame you; it’s barely the fourth day of the year, after all!), but that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning and organizing everything early on. Take this opportunity to plan ahead so you won’t have to panic when your boss hands you your W-2. This way, once April 15 rolls around, you’ll be ready and you won’t be scrambling to get everything organized. If you require assistance, Clifford, Ross, Raudenbush & Cooper, LLC can help!

Research The Forms You’ll Be Needing

No one’s financial situation is alike. For example, freelancers use the 1099-MISC form while IRS Tax Form 1040 is the individual tax form used by most other employees. Your particular employment situation dictates the type of form (or forms) you’ll use. If you’re unsure, you can check out the IRS website (although it has a lot of interesting information, it can be a bit of a slog to read. If you’d rather not bore yourself with IRS speak, you can contact a CPA firm such as CRRC, LLC. We will gladly outline what you should expect and will provide guidance.)

Get The Return You Deserve

One of the greatest benefits of tax season is the tax return but filing it incorrectly can lead to a lower return than you deserve. If you’re unsure about how to file, you can team up with a CPA. In most cases, the CPA’s payment will come from the tax return so you won’t have to pay anything out of pocket. Since CPAs know how to get the biggest return, it will be both beneficial and much simpler than doing it on your own!

Get Professional Help from an El Paso Tax Firm!

Tax season is always a tricky time for many people, but it doesn’t have to be! Instead of drowning in forms and confusion, you can simply team up with a CPA firm. After all, you don’t need to take the brunt of tax season on by yourself. CPA firms are made up of professionals who live and breathe taxes so we’ll be able to guide you throughout the entire process. Whether you’ve had major life events—such as getting married or buying a house—or you’ve started a new job and don’t feel confident in your tax filings, Clifford, Ross, Raudenbush & Cooper, LLC can help. There’s no need to go through tax season on your own; CRRC, LLC is here for you!